'The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because He loves what is behind him.' -G. K. Chesterton

11 March 2010

More Gun Porn

Meet the newest addition to the Six household. it's a Springfield 03A3 and it's all Lagniappe's Dads fault. I was perusing his archives when I came across a post of his on these fine rifles. I was reminded that my own collection of military firearms was woefully inadequate. I checked with a buddy and lo and behold, he just happened to have this nice example for sale. I already had a nice stock of 30-06 for my Garand and I hadn't yet bought myself a retirement present so....

That's Chrisi with the rifle. If it isn't obvious, she's a little miffed. That is so obviously not a shotgun and not a shotgun means no hunting trip. The girl is 13, mostly crippled and her hunting days are far behind her but if I loaded her up in the truck with one of the 12's she'd go nuts and hunt til she collapsed. It'd take 5 minutes or so but they'd be 5 minutes of pure bliss. She has drive! Pfft. Rifles? Who needs a rifle anyway?



Murphy's Law said...

Looking good there...Real good. Remington or Smith-Corona?

Six said...

Thanks brother. I owe it all to you.
John says it's a Remington. I haven't had a chance to take it out and shoot it yet and I'm really looking forward to doing so.
I was planning on shooting some milsup I've got put away for the Garand but I sheepishly admit to a lot of ignorance about this rifle. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.